Thursday, October 11, 2007

I suck at life.....

ok not at life but at updating this blog, its not that we dont do fun things mind you. its just that we have been really busy lately, so just a couple of quick posts to keep you entertained. 1st up is our bike riding adventure in Coronado, we went with Will and his wife Cassie and had a blast. We renter one of those 4 seater bikes with a cool yellow canopy. it was friggin sweet!!! well aside from the fact that it had 2 steering wheels (which at 1st i thought was cool) and then i found out that mine was just for show.....i was bitter. the other thing being that trying to get 4 people to pedal in sync is not easy task we found out, so that made for some fun. long story short, rented 4 seat bike, cruised coronado trying to pedal in sync, didnt die in the process, had fun returned bike safely. heres a couple pics.

our mighty chariot in a parking spot.......i think we had the more pimpin ride for sure..

getting clocked at 8-mph, yeah dont mess with us or we'll run your butt down!!

our ridiculously sweet bell on the bike....amazing how a stupid ringing thing can be soooo entertaining